MATLAB: How to model and simulate a simple axle and mass system in Simmechanics 3.2.1 (R2010b)

Simscape Multibody

I would like to model an axle & mass system as shown in the attached document.
The centre wheel is spinning along Z-axis at a rate (R) of 1500 rpm. Its mass (M) and inertia (I) are 1.952kg and 0.0424 kgm2 respectively. Two lumped masses (Md) of 2*10-5 kg are placed at [0;-0.20843;0.01] and [0;0.20843;-.01] respectively.

Best Answer

Refer to the attached model to this solution. In this model, I have used the basic blocks to build a system that emulates the axle & mass system.
In the model, the basic blocks to model this system are:
- Actuator
- Revolute joint
- Wheel
- Lumped mass
- Joint sensor