MATLAB: How to model a saturable co-reactor block using Simscape Power Systems

co-reactorsaturableSimscape Electricalthree phasetransformer

I'm using the Specialized Technology library and would like to model a separable co-reactor that represents transformer saturation. I'm trying to use the Three-Phase Transformer 12 terminal block to do so, but I don't seem to be able to see a 'Saturation' property for the block. As a workaround, I'm trying to connect the 'Nonlinear Inductor' block (from Simscape Components) to the secondary part of the Three-Phase transformer, but I'm not sure if this is possible.

Best Answer

 I believe you can use the Saturable Transformer block as a workaround instead of using the Three-Phase 12 Terminal block. Please find attached a simple example model that demonstrates this.