MATLAB: How to model a massless connector in simscape 2nd generation

2nd generationmassless connectormultibodySimscapeSimscape Multibody

My model seems ill-conditioned due to large differences in masses of different solids. Is it somehow possible, like in the 1st generation, to ignore solids with low mass and connect two bodys with something like a sphere-sphere massless connector?
I am currently using the ode15s solver and the simulation runs if I match the masses but when I use the intended masses the simulation stops in the middle.

Best Answer

There is no equivalent of the Spherical-Spherical connector in the second generation. Such joint would lead to numerical problems since the link between the two sphere has no inertia.
I suggest you to use a Spherical Joint and Universal joint in series, with a finite distance between the two joints, to connect the two bodies.