MATLAB: How to minimize the 12th norm of a difference vector

difference vectoreuclidean distanceminimization

Hi everybody, I have two vectores, lets say x and y. I calculate the difference vector d=x-y; I want to minimize d through the 12-norm of the difference (Euclidean distance) vector over 100 iterations. Is there anyone who could help me?
Kind regards, Joaquim

Best Answer

This is quite confusing, because you have not ever explained what you really want. In your words:
"x is a weighted sum of two vectores A and B, x= weight1 *A + weigth2*B. The purpose of the minimization is to find the weights that minimize x-y."
You say that you have vector y, and two vectors A and B. Then you need to compute the weighted linear combination x of vectors A and B, that minimizes the norm (lets not worry about which norm for the moment), so
norm(x-y) = norm((w1*A + w1*B) - y)
If you really want the 12norm here, this is a straight optimization problem, but the 12 norm is really not much different from the infinity norm. Solving an inf norm problem will reduce to a linear programming problem, whereas solving the 2-norm problem is simple linear least squares.
For example, to solve the 2-norm (i.e., Euclidean distance, which you did say above) problem, all you need do is:
W12 = [A(:),B(:)]\y(:);
weight1 = W12(1);
weight2 = W12(2);
That simple. So it is trivial to do. There are at least a half dozen other ways to compute the same set of weights in MATLAB, but the above solution is simplest. It yields a set of weights that minimize the 2-norm of the difference between x and y. There are no iterations needed. That is the true solution, IF you really wanted a 2-norm.
However, if you really wanted a 12 norm, and would not be interested in the infinity norm, then some iterative scheme would be employed.
Do you really need to do this as a 12 norm? Why would you pick such an arbitrary value as 12? As I said, it will be relatively little different from the infinity norm. For example:
v = randn(1,100);
ans =
ans =
Whereas, the 2-norm is quite different.
ans =
So if you insist on computing the solution under a 12 norm via some (unspecified iterative scheme) I can show you some ways to do so. Will ANY reasonable iterative scheme suffice?
For example, lets make up some data, then I'll solve it under a 12-norm using fminsearch.
y = randn(100,1);
A = randn(100,1);
B = randn(100,1);
The 2 norm solution is:
W12_2norm = [A(:),B(:)]\y(:)
W12_2norm =
Now, create an objective function to use for an optimizer.
fun_12 = @(W12) norm((A*W12(1) + B*W12(2)) - y,12);
ans =
The 2-norm solution is not the minimum set of weights for the 12norm problem. But it will provide starting values for the optimization.
[W12_12norm,fval] = fminsearch(fun_12,W12_2norm)
W12_12norm =
fval =
So a different set of weights has been obtained, which yields a somewhat lower value for the 12-norm.
Again, the 12-norm seems a bit arbitrary to me. A different solution comes from the infinity norm.
fun_inf = @(W12) norm((A*W12(1) + B*W12(2)) - y,inf);
[W12_infnorm,fval] = fminsearch(fun_inf,W12_2norm)
W12_infnorm =
fval =
I need to be a bit careful there, because the inf norm is really not well-solved using fminsearch, because the inf norm will not be a smooth, differentiable function. fminsearch would prefer differentiability. I'd have been better off using a linprog solution on that, but since you have not asked at all for an inf norm solution, I'm not going to go that deeply into the solution, especially since I have no idea what you really want.
If you can explain more clearly what you really need, I could give a more precise answer. And there are lots of iterative ways I could have solved this problem (fminbnd, for example), but I don't see why any particular iterative solution would be better than what I've shown already.