MATLAB: How to migrate MathWorks support on ZedBoard to Xilinx ZC702 board

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Hello, everyone:
I have noticed MathWorks support on ZYNQ and AD9361 series algorithm development. All these tutorials are very helpful to FPGA and embedded software developers, especially the example of HW/SW Co-Design QPSK modulator and demodulator design. However, I only have Xilinx ZC702 board and no other boards on the support list of your tutorials. So I am wondering whether you can provide me some advice or material to migrate your support on ZedBoard to Xilinx ZC702. It should be noted that these two boards used the exactly same ZYNQ chip.

Best Answer

Hi Lucky,
It depends on what you are trying to do. They are the same chip but unfortunately the steps required to enable our full HW/SW co-design workflows are not so simple due to different board layouts etc.
The good news is that as of 2018b, the system objects and blocks we use to transmit and receive data from the board should be compatible with the ADI hardware image that is shipped with the FMCOMMS card. So this would enable you to transmit and receive data, at least.
If you require HW/SW co-design (HDL and C code generation) there would be quite a convoluted process that we wouldn't be able to support you with. I suspect for the time you would spend trying to port over to the ZC702, you may be better placed purchasing a ZedBoard.
Please also see this answer.