MATLAB: How to: Merging multiple graph lines


Hello Guys,
my problem is that I have several data sets of different x-Arrays and always the same y-Array. Basically my plot functions looks like this: plot(x1,y,'g',x2,y,'b'….)
As I have drawn in the picture I want to merge all the lines as to always keep the lowest y-values going from left to right in terms of x-values. This should creat one single new plot that looks like the black line in the right picture. The left picture demonstrates the overlapping data sets.
Can I solve this problem graphically, e.g. using a plotting function to always display the lowest y-value or do I need to create a new 2D array that always picks the lowest y-value for every x- value? Maybe you can give me a base to start from. Sorry about my "untechnical" explanation, Im new to Matlab and coding in general.
Thanks in advance for your support. Pat

Best Answer

I would concatenate all your x, get the unique values and their position and use the position with accumarray to get the minimum of y:
xall = [x1 x2 x3 ...];
[x, ~, indices] = unique(xall);
y = accumarray(indices, repmat(y, 1, N)', [], @min); %where N is the number of xi
plot(x, y);
edited for missing comma