MATLAB: How to merge function handles in matlab

fevalfunction handle

I have a function handle of this form:
fk = @(a, b, k) a+b+k;
I would like to obtain another function handle that is actually a vector where every element is the first function handle evaluated in k, for k between 1 and a given n.
f = @(a, b) [fk(a, b, 1) fk(a, b, 2) ... fk(a, b, n)]
Example: for n =3, I would like to obtain
f = @(a,b) [fk(a, b, 1) fk(a, b, 2) fk(a, b, 3)]
How can I do this?
P.S.: I would like something that looks like a for loop, that can work for every given n.

Best Answer

You could use arrayfun for this:
fun = @(a,b,n) arrayfun(@(nn)fk(a,b,nn), 1:n);
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