MATLAB: How to merge 2 tables wtih thw same rows and columns


Hello. I have a question.
How to merge 2 tables wtih thw same rows and columns? (I have 1000×1 tables, that I want to merge the rows of them. I mean I would like finally to have one 1000×1 table) ?

Best Answer

Is this what you're looking for?
t1 = ones(1000,1); %Table 1 (a column vector)
t2 = 2*ones(1000,1); %Table 2 (a column vector)
t_merged = [t1,t2]; %Merged table (a 1000 x 2 matrix)
Or, do you want another merged table which is again 1000x1, with elements joined together? If so, then this answer might help you: