MATLAB: How to measure the thickness of an object having inner & outer irregular circle like shapes

measure the thickness of an object in 2d

I have segmented left ventricle in a MRI image using Random-Walker as shown in below image. Now I want to measure the thickness of Myocardium i.e. the gap between the inner & outer shape as shown in the following figure. Can someone please help me with this. Thanks in advance for your help!

Best Answer

You might also define an average thickness as follows
thickness = mean(min(interdists(A,B),[],2));
where the columns of the matrix A are the coordinates of the points on the outer boundary and B are the points on the inner boundary. This requires my interdists() utility function below.
function Graph=interdists(A,B)
%Finds the graph of distances between point coordinates

% (1) Graph=interdists(A,B)
% in:

% A: matrix whose columns are coordinates of points, for example
% [[x1;y1;z1], [x2;y2;z2] ,..., [xM;yM;zM]]
% but the columns may be points in a space of any dimension, not just 3D.
% B: A second matrix whose columns are coordinates of points in the same
% Euclidean space. Default B=A.
% out:
% Graph: The MxN matrix of separation distances in l2 norm between the coordinates.
% Namely, Graph(i,j) will be the distance between A(:,i) and B(:,j).
% (2) interdists(A,'noself') is the same as interdists(A), except the output
% diagonals will be NaN instead of zero. Hence, for example, operations
% like min(interdists(A,'noself')) will ignore self-distances.
% See also getgraph
if nargin<2
elseif ischar(B)&&strcmpi(B,'noself')
Graph=sqrt(sum(bsxfun(@minus, A, B).^2,1));
if noself
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