MATLAB: How to measure the distance between two points in a binary image for human action recognition

human action recognitionImage Processing Toolbox

Hi i want to find human action recognition in still images i got the silhouette pf human pose from that i got binary image now by using this binary image i want find some features like distance between the centroid of image to hands tips and legs tips automatically. then depending on these features i will decide the action. is my theory right? and if right anyone help me to find these features

Best Answer

You can ask regionprops() for the centroid, and the bounding box.
measurements = regionprops(labeledImage, 'Centroid', 'BoundingBox');
centroid = measurements(1).Centroid;
bb = measurements(1).BoundingBox;
y1 = bb(2); % Top of bounding box.
y2 = bb(2)+bb(4); % Bottom of bounding box.
From those, simple subtraction will get the distances you want.
centroidToToe = y2 - centroid(2);