MATLAB: How to measure overlap area of peaks from different signals

signal processing

Hi All, I wonder if there is a simple way to solve the following problem. There are two time-series signals S1 and S2 from two sensors and the signals were collected by the same frequency and time scale. If there are n peaks in S1 and m peaks in S2, how much area of peaks in S1 is overlapped with peaks in S2? Thanks in advance! Wenlong

Best Answer

I’m not quite certain what you want, but if you want the total overlap of the peak areas, use trapz (or cumtrapz) and subtract:
% Create Data:
pk = @(m,s,x) exp(-(x-m).^2./s); % Create peaks with centre=m, width=s
x= linspace(0,20);
s1 = pk(5,2,x) + pk(11,3,x) + pk(17,2,x);
s2 = pk(7,2,x) + pk(12,2,x) + pk(15,2,x);
% Integrate, Then Subtract:
Is1 = cumtrapz(x,s1);
Is2 = cumtrapz(x,s2);
Isd = Is1 - Is2;
The final value of ‘Isd’ is the difference in the areas of the peaks between the two data vectors, ‘s1’ and ‘s2’.
Is this what you want to do?