MATLAB: How to measure angle of intersection

measuring angle of intersection

I need to calculate the angle of intersection . Can anyone share the coding ? How to find the angle (red shaded region) ? Thank you.ggg.JPG

Best Answer

Assuming that the two lines are defined by four points P1, P2, P3, and P4 as such, the first line is L1(P1,P2) and the second line L2 (P3,P4) you can find the angle using the following code:
% define the points as [x,y]
P1 = [1,1];
P2 = [5,5];
P3 = [5,2];
P4 = [1,3];
% dx = x1 - x2;
dx1 = P1(1)-P2(1);
dx2 = P3(1)-P4(1);
% dy = y1 - y2;
dy1 = P1(2)-P2(2);
dy2 = P3(2)-P4(2);
% the angle (in degrees) between the lines:
angle = 180 - acosd((dx1*dx2+dy1*dy2)/(sqrt(dx1^2+dx2^2)*sqrt(dy1^2+dy2^2)));