MATLAB: How to maximize total available memory and largest contiguous memory block


Memory allocation errors occur when MATLAB requests a block of memory larger than the largest available block of memory. That can happen almost any time, but is most likely when allocating a large matrix in MATLAB, updating a Simulink Block diagram, or generating code with Real-Time Workshop. 

Best Answer

Here are some resources to try if you see memory allocation errors, or you suspect that memory allocation is behind a problem. Most of these resources are specific to 32-bit Windows.
1. Consult product documentation for memory allocation.
2. Consult Tech Notes "1806 - Simulink Performance & Memory Management Guide":
3. Use the Windows Task Manager or Process Explorer to see how much memory MATLAB is using.
4. Use MATLAB commands to see what is in MATLAB's memory.
a. Run "feature memstats" to get a summary of memory usage.
b. Run "feature dumpmem" for a long list of all the allocated memory blocks. MATLAB.exe, DLLs, and MEX files appear by name. Everything else appears as "<anonymous>", including storage for MATLAB variables, MATLAB code, Simulink blocks, and JAVA classes. See below for more about interpreting dumpmem output.
c. Run "whos" to see MATLAB variables and how many bytes they require.
d. Run "inmem" to see what MATLAB functions, MEX files, and JAVA classes are loaded.
e. Run "find_system('type', 'block_diagram') to what Simulink models and libraries are loaded.
5. Use "clear" to remove variables, functions, and class definitions from memory. Use "close_system" to remove Simulink block diagrams from memory.
6. Saving your work and restarting MATLAB is the most effective way to clear everything from memory. It is the *only* way to defragment the MATLAB workspace on 32-bit Windows system. If an operation sometimes runs out of memory, try it immediately afteer restarting MATLAB.
Run "matlab -h" for terse documentation of MATLAB command line switches.
7. The “-nojvm” command line switch disables many capabilites, but saves a lot of memory. Here are some results. Memory usage is in Kilobytes.
Physical memory: (155436 with jvm - 53296 without jvm) = 102140 difference.
Virtual memory: (524040 with jvm - 172824 without jvm) = 351216 difference.
Physical memory: (142464 with jvm - 57576 without jvm) = 84886 difference.
Virtual memory: (468052 with jvm - 142464 without jvm) = 325588 difference.
8. The "-shield <level>" command line switch controls how aggressively MATLAB tries to maximize large blocks of free memory by forcing DLLs to load elsewhere. There are four levels:
"-shield none" disbles shielding. MATLAB does nothing to protect a large free block of memory.
"-shield minimum" protects 0x5000000-0x7000000 address range until before matlabrc.m is processed.
"-shield medium" protects 0x5000000-0x7000000 address range until *after* matlabrc.m is processed.
"-shield maximum" protects a calculated maximum address range until after matlabrc.m is processed.
Levels medium and maximum are experimental.
9. The "-shieldload &lt; list &gt; " command line switch loads dlls in &lt; list &gt; while protecting part of the memory address space as controlled by the "-shield" switch. Doing so forces those dlls to relocate to memory addresses that do not break up the large free block.
To find useful arguments for shieldload, start MATLAB and use ‘feature dumpmem’ at the MATLAB command line to get names and addresses of all the loaded dlls, as described in the following example. Output from 'feature dumpmem' included the following:
Module Base In Use Free
<anonymous> 06f70000 00800000* 08890000**
C:\Program Files\Lenovo\HOTKEY\hkvolkey.dll 10000000 00011000 0ffef000**
C:\WINNT\system32\xpsp2res.dll 20000000 002c5000* 256cb000***
C:\WINNT\System32\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\3\PS5UI.DLL 45990000 000b5000 1ab8b000***
C:\WINNT\system32\mslbui.dll 605d0000 00009000 114c7000***
C:\WINNT\system32\WS2HELP.dll 71aa0000 00008000 00008000
Largest available memory block is 627879936 bytes (598.79 MB) located at address 202c5000
Columns Base, In Use, and Free are hexadecimal numbers. The last three digits are 000, because memory is allocated in pages of 0x1000 (or 4096) bytes. The named or anonymous "Module" occupies "In Use" bytes, starting at address "Base". There are "Free" unused bytes between the end of that module and the begining of the next. Base + In Use + Free = next(Base)
A '+' after the module name means the module was relocated because the addresses at which it usually loads were in use.
Asterisks after In Use or Free flag blocks of at least 1, 16, or 256 Megabytes.
Modules hkvolkey.dll, xpsp2res.dll, PS5UI.DLL, and mslbui.dll occupy about 3.6 MB, but they are placed in such a way that they reduce the largest free block of memory from about 1600 MB to about 599 MB.
Can -shieldload force those modules to load somewhere else in memory? After starting MATLAB with the command line:
matlab -nojvm -shieldload "C:\Program Files\Lenovo\HOTKEY\hkvolkey.dll,C:\WINNT\system32\xpsp2res.dll,C:\WINNT\System32\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\3\PS5UI.DLL,C:\WINNT\system32\mslbui.dll"
the relevant part of ‘feature dumpmem’ output was:
Module Base In Use Free
<anonymous> 07140000 00080000 08e40000**
C:\Program Files\Lenovo\HOTKEY\hkvolkey.dll 10000000 00011000 0ffef000**
C:\WINNT\system32\xpsp2res.dll 20000000 002c5000* 256cb000***
C:\WINNT\System32\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\3\PS5UI.DLL 45990000 000b5000 2c05b000***
C:\WINNT\system32\WS2HELP.dll 71aa0000 00008000 00008000
Largest available memory block is 738570240 bytes (704.36 MB) located at address 45a45000
Apparently hkvolkey.dll, xpsp2res.dll, and PS5UI.DLL are locked down.
How well does “-shield maximum” work? After starting MATLAB with the command line:
matlab -nojvm -shield maximum
the relevant part of ‘feature dumpmem’ output was:
Module Base In Use Free
<anonymous> 07a10000 00080000 08570000**
C:\Program Files\Lenovo\HOTKEY\hkvolkey.dll 10000000 00011000 0ffef000**
C:\WINNT\system32\xpsp2res.dll 20000000 002c5000* 4030b000***
C:\WINNT\system32\mslbui.dll 605d0000 00009000 17b57000***
Largest available memory block is 1076932608 bytes (1027.04 MB) located at address 202c5000
That was better.
Finally, do –shield and –shieldload together work better than either alone? After starting MATLAB with the command line:
matlab -nojvm -shield maximum -shieldload C:\WINNT\system32\mslbui.dll
the relevant part of ‘feature dumpmem’ output was:
Module Base In Use Free
<anonymous> 07990000 00080000 085f0000**
C:\Program Files\Lenovo\HOTKEY\hkvolkey.dll 10000000 00011000 0ffef000**
C:\WINNT\system32\xpsp2res.dll 20000000 002c5000* 57e6b000***
C:\WINNT\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.VC80.CRT_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.762_x-ww_6b128700\MSVCR80.dll78130000 0009b000 00005000
Largest available memory block is 1474736128 bytes (1406.42 MB) located at address 202c5000
Still no luck moving hkvolkey.dll, xpsp2res.dll, but we've increased the largest block from 599 MB to 1406 MB.