MATLAB: How to match two different matrices

errorfor loopfunctionmatchmatchingMATLABMATLAB and Simulink Student SuiteMATLAB Compilermatrix arraypredciton

Hello, I have two matrices of different lengths and this is what the scenario looks like ..
x = [...];
y = [...];
size(x) = 5800 * 16
size(y) = 450 * 14
% X & Y have dates & times in the first six columns in this form:
% year, month, day, hour, minute, second
% Each column represents a variable
% Each row represents a data sample
% A model to predict a variable in (X) after some time
X_time + some_time = predicted_time; % in hours
% "X_time" is the time of (X)
% "Y_time" is the time of (Y)
% Match that predicted time with the time of (Y) within a range of +/- 11 hours
for i = 1:length(x)
for j = 1:length(y)
if (predicted_time >= Y_time-11) && (Y_time+11 >= predicted_time) is True
MATCHED = [x(i,:) y(j,:) predicted_time];
Please, I want to know how to make this work as I tried a lot but it didn't work properly.

Best Answer

I've made an attempt to fix your code and match the two time-vectors. I've converted your time-vectors to datetime format and fixed your matching-algorithm. The matching works by looping through the modelled time-vector, which is based on the longer time-vector (SET1), and finding the closest match in the smaller time-vector (SET2). A match is only stored if the absolute difference is smaller than 11 hours.
The output, id, is a vector with two columns, where each row [id1 id2] shows the matched indices, i.e. the row of SET1 with the corresponding row of SET2.
NOTE: id is longer than SET2, which would indicate that some elements of SET2 are matched twice.
%%Read Data
soho = xlsread('start.xlsx'); % initial storms data
shocks = xlsread('end.xlsx', 1); % final storms data
%%Start Time
% CMEs
CPA = soho(4:end,7);
w = soho(4:end,8);
vl = soho(4:end,9);
vi = soho(4:end,10);
vf1 = soho(4:end,11);
v20Rs = soho(4:end,12);
a1 = soho(4:end,13);
mass = soho(4:end,14);
KE = soho(4:end,15);
MPA = soho(4:end,16);
% Shocks
vfinal = shocks(4:end,11);
T =shocks(4:end,13);
N = shocks(4:end,14);
%%Inistial Values
AU = 149599999.99979659915; % Sun-Earth distance in km
d = 0.76 * AU; % cessation distance in km
%%Pre-Allocating Variables
a_calc = zeros(size(vl));
squareRoot = zeros(size(vl));
A = zeros(size(vl));
B = zeros(size(vl));
ts = zeros(size(vl));
t_hrs = zeros(size(vl)); % predicted transit time in hours
t_mn = zeros(size(vl)); % predicted transit time in minutes
%%G2001 Model
% calculations
for i = 1:length(vl)
a_calc(i) = power(-10,-3) * ((0.0054*vl(i)) - 2.2); % in km/s2
squareRoot(i) = sqrt(power(vl(i),2) + (2*a_calc(i)*d));
A(i) = (-vl(i) + squareRoot(i)) / a_calc(i);
B(i) = (AU - d) / squareRoot(i);
ts(i) = A(i) + B(i); % in seconds
t_mn(i) = ts(i) / 60; % in minutes
clear i;
%%Show the predicted travel time
% CME-ICME Matching
for i=1:numel(t_model)
[MinDiff ind]=min(abs(t2-t_model(i)));
if MinDiff<hours(11)
id(i,1:2)=[i ind];
id(i,1:2)=[i NaN];