MATLAB: How to mark image with respect to given logical mask

image processingImage Processing ToolboxMATLAB

I've an image and a logical mask produced from same image. I wish to mark all the pixels on original image with respect to the pixels which are 1 in logical mask. This was my solution:
%'img' is original image. 'Icornr' is the logical mask. 'Ioverlay is the image I wish to output.
Ioverlay = imoverlay(img, Icornr, [1 0 1]);
axis equal tight on;
title('Harris Corner overlayed on Original');
This is the output I get where ROI are marked with magneta. What I wish to accomplish is to rather than marking the pixels with . they should be marked with + or x. An example of such is given below:

Best Answer

Try something like this
img = imread('pears.png');
Icornr = rand(size(img, [1 2])) > 0.995; % example mask
ax1 = axes();
Ioverlay = imoverlay(img, Icornr, [1 0 1]);
imshow(Ioverlay, 'Parent', ax1);
axis equal tight on;
title('Harris Corner overlayed on Original');
ax2 = axes();
hold on
[r, c] = find(Icornr);
imshow(img, 'Parent', ax2);
plot(ax2, c, r, '+');
axis equal tight on;
title('Harris Corner overlayed on Original');