MATLAB: How to mark different values with different colors and markers

color plotmarkerplotting complex data

I have a complex data values:
Z = X+iY =
0.1 0.2
-75.7 1.1
-1.0 4.1
-2.0 4.3
-1.7 5.6
-0.9 7.3
0.0 7.3
0.7 5.1
1.2 0.0
-1.3 9.0
-0.9 5.1
0.0 0.2
0.0 0.0
The first column is values of X axis (real) and second column value is Y axis (imaginary)
What I want to do is: Plot all 13 points with different color and marker and marksize.
I tried this approach:
plot(Z(1,:),'g+','MarkerSize',10, Z(2,:),'c^','MarkerSize',8, …..)
^^ But this approach is not working!!
Please help me out.
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

plot creates a line object and the above are all global properties of the line.
To put them on as differently you'd have to place each point with scatter which is what it seems you're looking for, anyway.
doc scatter
for more details; reply herein if that doesn't solve the problem.