MATLAB: How to manually create a non-linear input-output time series neural network

narnetnarxnetneural networkrnn

Hey there.
I want to manually write and train a neural network, as aviable in the Neural Time Series Tool.
In the tool, three options are aviable:
1) Predict series y(t) giving d past values of y(t) and another series X(t)
2) Predict series y(t) giving d past values of y(t)
3) Predict series y(t) giving d past values of X(t)
I have found the syntax for the first and second options (narxnet and narnet), but not to the third one, which is the one I am after.
Could someone tell me what is the matlab syntax of the third option?
My goal is to automate the process of choosing the best train session (avoid local optimas) and the choosing of the hyper-parameters (find the best number of layers, find the best delay time, etc…)
By the way – I am using matlab 2015b, if it matters…

Best Answer

help timedelaynet
doc timedelaynet
Hope this helps
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