MATLAB: How to manually calculate a Neural Network output

Deep Learning ToolboxMATLABneural networks

Dear everyone,
I am exploring the Neural Network Toolbox and would like to manually calculate output by hand. I used one of the example provided by Matlab with the following code. Unfortunately, my output is incorrect. Does anyone know why? Thanks
%%below is the sample code from Matlab
[x, y] = crab_dataset;
size(x) % 6 x 200
size(y) % 2 x 200
net = patternnet(10);
[net, tr_info] = train(net, x, y);
testX = x(:, tr_info.testInd);
testT = y(:, tr_info.testInd);
testY = net(testX);
testIndices = vec2ind(testY);
[error_rate, conf_mat] = confusion(testT, testY);
fprintf('Percentage Correct Classification : %f%%\n', 100*(1 - error_rate));
fprintf('Percentage Incorrect Classification : %f%%\n', 100*error_rate);
%%Manually calculate the output by hand
% nFeatures = 6
% nSamples = 200
% nHiddenNode = 10
% nClass = 2
% input layer => x (6x200)
% hidden layer => h = sigmoid(w1.x + b1)
% = (10x6)(6x200) + (10x1)
% = (10x200)
% output layer => yhat = w2.h + b2
% = (2x200)
w1 = net.IW{1}; % (10x6)
w2 = net.LW{2}; % (2x10)
b1 = net.b{1}; % (10x1)
b2 = net.b{2}; % (2x1)
h = sigmoid(w1*x + b1);
yhat = w2*h + b2;
[testY' yhat']
[vec2ind(testY)' vec2ind(yhat)']

Best Answer

you missed several normalization parameters, here I leave the solution :
[x, y] = crab_dataset;
size(x) % 6 x 200
size(y) % 2 x 200
net = patternnet(10);
[net, tr_info] = train(net, x, y);
w1 = net.IW{1}; % (10x6)
w2 = net.LW{2}; % (2x10)
b1 = net.b{1}; % (10x1)
b2 = net.b{2};
% Input 1
y1 = bsxfun(@times,bsxfun(@minus,x,xoffset),gain);
y1 = bsxfun(@plus,y1,ymin);
% Layer 1
a1 = 2 ./ (1 + exp(-2*(repmat(b1,1,size(x,2)) + w1*y1))) - 1;
% output
n=repmat(b2,1,size(x,2)) + w2*a1;
nmax = max(n,[],1);
n = bsxfun(@minus,n,nmax);
num = exp(n);
den = sum(num,1);
den(den == 0) = 1;
y2 = bsxfun(@rdivide,num,den);%y2==outputnet == net(x)