MATLAB: How to manage static texts when radio button clicked

radiobutton-static text

I have the below image where you will see the gui i'm working with. what i want is when i clickon the Donor radiobutton, the variables will show as they are in the image so no problem(ND, EDON…), but what i want is when i click on the Acceptor radiobutton, these variables change to another variable names, knowing that those variables are done by uisng static text, so how can I do it? thanks

Best Answer

Lets assume you created this in GUIDE and Donor radio button has the tag value of donor_radio acceptor is acceptor_radio and static texts are stat_txt1 stat_txt2 and ...
You have to write a code in the radio buttons callback to set the static text strings.
function donor_radio_Callback(hObject,eventdata,handles)
set(stat_txt1,'String','what ever you want to change it to');
set(stat_txt2,'String','Another different message if u want');
and so on!