MATLAB: How to manage a .csv imported file


I have imported a .csv table in MATLAB, on this table I have 2 different events, misurated in the same timeline. I'm trying to make MATLAB recognize these different events automatically. From a "visive" point of view is very simple because when the first event ends the value on the plot is 0, but i need MATLAB to do it for me when I'll have more than 2 events. I was thinking about a "for cycle", dunno if is a good idea

Best Answer

mask = YourSignal(:).' > 0;
starts = strfind([false mask], [0 1]);
stops = strfind([mask false], [1 0]);
Now starts and stops are vectors such that you have non-zero signal between YourSignal(starts(K):stops(K))
This assumes that none of your signal is negative.