MATLAB: How to makedisk for a three parameter weibull distribution


Everytime I run my code with below lines, it displays "Error using makedist (line 101). Invalid parameter name: t0"
t0 = 0.5;
b = 1:5;
T = 1:5;
dist = makedist('weibull','a',T,'b',b,'c',t0)
[h,p,adstat,cv] = adtest(data,'Distribution',dist)
How can I integrate a three parameter weibull distribution into "makedist"?

Best Answer

MATLAB's Weibull distribution only allows 2 parameters, so you must handle the offset separately. Try this:
t0 = 0.5; %
b = 1.5; % you are using vector
T = 1.5; % same here too
dist = makedist('weibull','a',T,'b',b)
dataAdjusted = data - t0;
[h,p,adstat,cv] = adtest(dataAdjusted,'Distribution',dist)