MATLAB: How to make tracks start from same origin

basic matlabcell trackingmotilityorigins

I am collecting cell movement tracks from MTrackJ, an ImageJ plugin. I can pass the coordinates of the tracks to an array, but I am trying to make a flowerplot, wherein all my tracks start at the same point and then trace their paths from there. Below is the code I am using so far:
prompt = 'How many tracks do you want to analyze?';
track_num = input(prompt);
disp('Select the track you wish to analyze.')
figure(); hold on for i=1:track_num
filename = uigetfile('*.mdf','C:\Users\Szasz_T\Documents\Matlab'); %Note: file name cannot contain underscores
Track= read_mdf(filename);
Track(:,3:4) = Track(:,3:4)*0.12; %Multiplies by um/pixel; change to whatever ratio you acquire images at
Track(:,6) = Track(:,6)*10; %Multiplies by number of seconds per frame
norm(Track(end,3:4)-Track(1,3:4))/(Track(end,6)-Track(1,6))%Outputs distance traveled in um/s
for i = 1:size(Track,1)-1 %Calculates length of each step in trajectory
Track_steps(i) = norm(Track(i+1,3:4)-Track(i,3:4));
zeroes = [0 0 0 0 0 0];
Track = cat(1,zeroes, Track);
plot(Track(:,3), Track(:,4))
hold off
title('Representation of Cell Motility')
I can use my "zeroes" array to force the first coordinate to be a certain point, but I do not know how to simply set all tracks to begin at one origin, if this is possible.
Thanks for any help one can offer.

Best Answer

I have been struggling with the same issue myself. It's clear you have made much more progress than I have.