MATLAB: How to make threshold lines and mark the 1st intersection line

line intersectionthreshold

Hi, I would like to ask a few questions:
  1. How to set 20% upper and lower threshold from the signal maximum amplitude and make a line of the thresholds.
  2. From the upper threshold line, how to find and mark the 1st line intersection between upper threshold and signal.
  3. How to expand the signal that only focus on the line intersection automatically.
I really appreciate if anyone can help me with matlab coding.
load energy_bigcircle_placement1 %load file
bigcircle_ant2_data=bigcircle_ant2 - f_y;
figure (1)
axis tight
title('Signal and Scalogram')
grid on

Best Answer

What do you mean by upper and lower 20%? Do you mean like percent of the range from the min to the max value?
theRange = max(bigcircle_ant2_data) - min(bigcircle_ant2_data)
v1 = min(bigcircle_ant2_data) + 0.2 * theRange
v2 = min(bigcircle_ant2_data) + 0.8 * theRange
% Draw horizontal lines across the plot at these values.
line(xlim, [v1, v1], 'Color', 'r')
line(xlim, [v2, v2], 'Color', 'r')
v1 =
v2 =
Or do you mean by looking at how often the values occur, like taking the histogram?
sortedValues = sort(bigcircle_ant2_data, 'ascend')
n = numel(sortedValues)
index1 = round(0.2 * n)
index2 = round(0.8 * n)
v1 = sortedValues(index1)
v2 = sortedValues(index2)
line(xlim, [v1, v1], 'Color', 'r')
line(xlim, [v2, v2], 'Color', 'r')
v1 =
v2 =
load energy_bigcircle_placement1 %load file
bigcircle_ant2_data=bigcircle_ant2 - f_y;
figure (1)
axis tight
title('Signal and Scalogram')
grid on
0000 Screenshot.png
To find where the signal first crosses some value, use find(). Use plot() to place a marker there.
index = find(bigcircle_ant2_data > v1, 1, 'first')
x1 = tms(index)
% Plot a circle there
hold on;
plot(x1, bigcircle_ant2_data(index), 'ro', 'MarkerSize', 10, 'LineWidth', 2)
To zoom in to +/1 0.05 around x1, change xlim()
xlim([x1 - 0.05, x1 + 0.05]);