MATLAB: How to make this nested for loop work

for loopnested for loop

I want to store values in 'temp1' and 'temp2' dynamically. I have predefined them so no problem with the speed. This is my code for getting the value of 'bc' using for loop of 'obj'. This is inside the for loop run by 'i'. In the very first run of outer for loop i.e. i=1, I need to have the inner for loop run first completely and then the values of bc(1) be stored in temp1(1) and bc(2) in temp2(2). And then value of 'i' should increment by 1 and next time the values of bc(1) and bc(2) be stored in temp1(2) and temp2(2) respectively and so on.
for i=1:10
for obj = 1:length(stats)
bc = stats(obj).Centroid;
What's happening now is that the last value of bc(1) and bc(2) are getting stored in temp1 and temp2 all through i=1:10. Please correct me.

Best Answer

your variable bc has no index, it can not change along the loop. temp1 and temp2 always take the value of bc(1) and bc(2) respectively for all i