MATLAB: How to make the code run faster

for loopMATLABoptimization

I'm new to matlab and this is one of the very first functions I wrote. My function works very well except that it's very slow (~27 seconds). How can I take advantage of Matlab's syntax to better optimize it?
function [ amin,bmin,cmin ] = perm( x,y,xmin )
result = 0.0;
amin = 15;
bmin = 16;
cmin = 0.05;
rmin = 1000;
temp = 0;
for i=1:81
for j=1:81
for k=1:81
result = -A(k)* erf((x-xmin)*C(i))+B(j);
Error = minus(y,result).^2;
temp = norm(Error);
if temp < rmin;
rmin = temp;
amin = A(k);
bmin = B(j);
cmin = C(i);

Best Answer

If you ignore the limits you have placed on A and B, and you want to do this minimization without using matlab's optimization functions, you can take advantage of the fact that your expression is linear in A and B and thereby cut down the number of iterations from 81^3 to only 81 as C varies. This is because, for any given value of C, the optimum values for A and B can be directly calculated as given in the code below. This the linear regression technique.
function [amin,bmin,cmin] = perm(x,y,xmin)
dmax = -inf;
ym = mean(y);
for i = 1:length(C)
ei = erf((x-xmin)*C(i));
em = mean(ei);
d = (sum((y-ym).*(ei-em)))^2/sum((ei-em).^2);
if d > dmax
dmax = d;
cmin = C(i);
ei = erf((x-xmin)*cmin);
em = mean(ei);
amin = -sum((y-ym).*(ei-em))/sum((ei-em).^2);
bmin = ym+amin*em;
Instead of the above you can use the above -d as your objective function to be minimized and call on one of the optimization routines to find the best C value. Afterwards you can calculate A and B as above.