MATLAB: How to make the code more efficient: Group experimental result into 3 groups


Dear Coder, This is not a critical problem, however I am interested to know if there is a possibility to make this code more compact and efficient. I learn to code better by getting feedback from the community. This is a made up experimental protocol. During the experiment, 15 subjects were randomize into 3 conditions (i.e., COND1A, COND2A, COND1B). That is 5 subjects per condition. The data collection were conducted separately for 12 days (i.e., SD_BL, SD_1, SD_2, … SD_11). The main objective of this program is to classify the subject state at a particular time into excellent, good or poor (label as 1, 2, 3, respectively) depending on the task performance (TASK_ONE, TASK_TWO or TASK_Three). For simplicity, we only consider TASK_TWO, Subject: S1A, COND: COND1A, and data collection at SD_BL. Then, the result of TASK_TWO are [ 199.4 203.7 184.89 202.5 217.2 196.1]
To group into the 3 categories, the threshold between the group was obtained by the difference between minimum and maximum value of the TASK_TWO performance was divided by 3 (e.g., 199.4 -184.89/3 = 4.83). Thus, the performance is consider poor if its value between 184.89 to 189.7 (184.89+4.83 = 189.7) and excellent if the value of TASK_TWO fall between 194.57 to 199.4S. With this in mind, the following code were realize
function [at] = SplitGroup (at)
for i=1:length(at.Valindex)
indexLoc =at.Valindex(:,i).';
BB = length(indexLoc {1,1});
m =zeros (1, BB);
for j=1:BB
m(j)=at.PatData{(indexLoc{1,1}(j,1)),at.AccessColumn }; end
shiftVal = (abs(c1-c2))/at.interval;
at.C1Thrshld = abs (shiftVal + c1);
at.C2Thrshld = abs (shiftVal - c2);
S =zeros (1, BB);
% C3 any value between C1Thrshld & C2Thrshld | c1--(Class1)--C1Thrshld--(Class2)--C2Thrshld--(Class3)--c2
S(m<=at.C1Thrshld) = 1;
S(m>=at.C1Thrshld & m <=at.C2Thrshld) = 2;
S(m>at.C2Thrshld ) = 3;
at.temp (((indexLoc{1,1}).'))=S(1:length(S));
I really appreciate any idea how to make this code more efficient and compact. The complete code and MAT file was attached together in this thread

Best Answer

Some ideas for nicer code:
indexLoc =at.Valindex(:,i).';
BB = length(indexLoc {1,1});
You access indexLoc{1,1} only, so why do you extract it as cell vector at all? What about:
indexLoc = at.Valindex{i};
and using "indexLoc" instead of "indexLoc{1,1}" afterwards? But what is the purpose of the transposition then?
The linear indexing is slightly faster than using the 2 indices for vectors:
m(j)=at.PatData{(indexLoc{1,1}(j,1)),at.AccessColumn };
% Cleaner:
m(j) = at.PatData{indexLoc(j)), at.AccessColumn}; % With the above change
c1 = min(m)
S(m<=at.C1Thrshld) = 1;
S(m>=at.C1Thrshld & m <=at.C2Thrshld) = 2;
the element m==at.C1Thrshld belongs to two intervals.
S = zeros(1, BB);
S(m <= at.C1Thrshld) = 1;
S(m > at.C1Thrshld & m <= at.C2Thrshld) = 2;
S(m > at.C2Thrshld) = 3;
at.temp(indexLoc) = S;
S and S(1:length(S)) is the same for vectors. For matrices the later might be confusing.
Another option, which could be faster, but slower also:
S = repmat(3, 1, BB);
S(m <= at.C2Thrshld) = 2;
S(m <= at.C1Thrshld) = 1;
at.temp(indexLoc) = S;
Compare this with a tic/toc:
for kk = 1:1e5
or with timeit.
I prefer a standard indentation scheme and spaces around operators, but not between commands and variables and the corresponding parenthesis. If you prefer another scheme, this is okay, but following it strictly will increase the readability of the code remarkably.