MATLAB: How to make sure that the particular version of Excel is used for COM connection when there are two versions of Excel on the machine in MATLAB 7.9 (R2009b)


I have two versions of Microsoft Excel, i.e. 2003 and 2007 on my machine. I want to know how the particular version of Excel can be used as an automation server on the following command:
actxserver ('Excel.Application')

Best Answer

Follow the steps below to use particular version of Excel as an automation server:
1. You need to register the version of Excel you need as an automation server. Make sure you have administrator privileges while you run the REGSERVER command. For example, to register Excel 2007 as an regserver, you can use the following command on System command prompt:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12:>EXCEL.exe regserver
Then restart MATLAB. When you run the command above, make sure you do not have Excel application open.
See the link below for more information on registering Excel as automation/com server when multiple versions exist:
If this does not help again with ACTXSERVER command, try the next step.
2. The second option is to repair Excel. For this also, make sure you have admin privileges. For this, you need to go to Control Panel and then "Add and Remove Programs"; in that you have to go to Microsoft Office, select "change" and that will give you one of the options as repair. For more detailed information on repairing Excel, see the link below:
Repairing makes changes to system registry and makes sure that this version goes to system registry and this would be picked as automation server when you do ACTSERVER on excel applications.