MATLAB: How to make sure that fsolve gives only positive values as the solution

fsolvepositive solution

I have L equations to solve. I am using the following code to solve :
fh = matlabFunction([equn(1:L)],'vars',{[lam(1:L)]});
options = optimset('Display','off','TolFun',eps);
[solu_fsolve,value] = fsolve(fh, [1:L] ,options ) ;
But, i am getting -ve answer as a solution of fsolve. But, i am expecting + ve solutions only. Is there anyway to make sure that fsolve gives only +ve solutions?
Please answer. Thanks in advance.
With best regards, kalpana

Best Answer

Square your unknowns in the functions you supply to fsolve.
E.g. if you want to solve
solve instead
After you get the solution y(1) from fsolve (in this case sqrt(5)), you only have to square it to get x(1) (in this case 5) - the solution of your original untransformed problem.
Best wishes