MATLAB: How to make sure columns and rows are included in loops


I have 3 531 x 500 matrices (wb2,ws2 and hh1) which I am trying to substitute into an equation. Using the following code, I am able to create a 531 x 500 matrix as desired, however all the values are 0, apart from the first which is 500. (the first 'if' loop is there to define the size of the matrices.)
does anyone know how to make sure that this equation is being applied to every number in each row and column?
if ismatrix(hh1)
[ii,jj] = size(hh1)
for qb=[ii,jj]

Best Answer

Try this:
qb = (hh1 / 2) .* (ws2 + wb2)/0.025
Get rid of everything else you had.