MATLAB: How to make strings in a cell equal size


I'm trying to rigth aling a uitable data with my own format, I'm using my own format because none of the column's format help me (bank nor any), I have a data set I first format with java. This is how I call the function, I'm not using GUIDE because I think it generates a LOT of garbage code and I like to keep things simple:
Inside the uitable gui func I have this:
MyTable = uitable;
for i = 1:numel(MyData);
DataSet{i} = char(java.text.DecimalFormat('#,###0.00').format(MyData));
FormattedData = cellfun(@(x) sprintf('%10d',x),DataSet,'un',0);
The problem: Not every string has the same size, as the numbers ranges from a couple characters to five or six characters, so when I do:
The numbers (represented in string) are not right aling. I want to right aling them in the uitable (using spaces in front of the formatted string), so when the %10d comes every string remains different, I'd like some way to automatically change it, something like (if I want the string to have 12 characters each):
TotalChar = 12-cellfun('length', DataSet);
FormattedData = cellfun(@(x) sprintf('%' TotalChar 'd',x),DataSet,'un',0);
How could I achive this?
[EDITED, Jan, code formatted]

Best Answer

Your current code has
FormattedData = cellfun(@(x) sprintf('%10d',x),DataSet,'un',0);
That format does produce a total of 10 characters for each element (that is representable in 10 characters); the format does put in leading blanks.
However, the piece you appear to be missing is that by default uitable uses a proportional spaced font, in which space are narrower than digits. You cannot really fix that by adding more spaces, as the extra spaces will also be narrower than digits. The cure for this all is to tell the table to use a fixed-width font.