MATLAB: How to make reset function

guiguidematlab guipushbutton

i have GUI ( using Guide ) that contain, axes for display image, static text for display value. I want to make reset function in pushbutton. So, when i click the button it will remove all value in static text and image in axes. i read the reference and found this code :
set( findall(0, '-property', 'String'), 'String', {''});
arrayfun(@(H) set(H, 'Value', get(H, 'Min')), findall(0, '-property', 'Value', '-and', '-property', 'Min'));
i try to use this code, it removed all value in static text, but it don't removed image in also removed all name of button and panel. so, how to make the reset function which will remove all value in static text and image without remove button's name ?? thank you ^^

Best Answer

set( findall(0, 'type', 'uicontrol', 'style', 'text'), 'String', {''});
delete( findall(0, 'type', 'image') );