MATLAB: How to make pushbutton work fast

graphguiguidehandle graphicsmatlab guiread data

my pushbutton will process data to produce 26 different graph.. but pushbutton need +21 sec to create a graph, couse pushbutton will repeat read all data when i click.. then how to make pushbutton process the data without read all data every i click (just read data at firs click)
RainData = ReadManySoniData( 'C:\matlab7\work\org\2011', '*.dat' );
% need 21 sec to read this data
[ day_number, daily_rain ] = DailyRain( RainData, yearsh, monthnum);
%yearsh get from popupmenu1
%monthnum get from popupmenu2
plot( day_number, daily_rain )

Best Answer

In opening function read all your data then use guidata to save your data in handles
To read your data in pushb function