MATLAB: How to make nodes’ removal from a graph as a function of time

complex networksgraph theoryremove nodesundirected graph

I'm simulating failures of nodes in an interdependent system (two graphs, g and h) and their adjacency matrices are A and B. Some nodes in graph g (layer A) will get attacked randomly, and then this failure will get propagated to graph h (layer B) through the interlinks between the two graphs.
I'm trying to simulate failure or nodes removal based on time, that is,
at: t=1, remove first node in A.
t=2, remove the second node in A
t=3, failure propagates to B and first node in B get removed and so on.
Your help would be highly appreciated.

Best Answer

You may want to look at the graph and digraph classes: Graph and Network Algorithms and their method rmnode specifically.