MATLAB: How to make multiple variables equal a class


I need some help with trying to make multiple variables equal a 'class.'
I started using MatLab 2-3 months ago, so I am not very good at it.
I am currently making a menu-based RPG game, and I need to make an "equipped" screen.
What I am having trouble is making multiple variables = 1 "class"
For example…
Swords = (Bronze sword, Steel sword, Diamond Sword)
Helmet = (Bronze Helmet, Iron helmet, dark helmet)
Leggings = (Bronze Leggings, Iron Leggings, Stone Leggings)
and so on.
This way, I can prevent users from equipping a sword into a helmet slot, or prevent a legging item from equipping to a weapon slot.
I apologize if this is confusing.
Thank you so much! I will attach a copy of the game for assistance, or if you would like to play it.

Best Answer

Try the following testGame.m to see how to use object-oriented programming in Matlab. You'll need to define classes via classdef function. This link is helpful too:
Since most avatars have 2 hands, you'll need a separate function to decide what to do when you try to equip more items than the avatar can handle. Ex: equipping 2-hand sword + 1-hand shield shouldn't be allowed. You'll have to unequip the other hand, etc. This, I leave up the the game developer.
P1 = Player('player1'); %Create new player of lv1 named player1
NewItem = Weapon('Sword Of Matlab', 10000, '2-hand'); %Make new item

P1.wear(NewItem); %Equip player with new item

NewItem = Armor('Shield of Functions', 10000, '1-hand'); %Make new item
P1.wear(NewItem); %Equip player with new item
P1.levelUp %Level up the player
% 2
% Armor with properties:
% Name: 'Shield of Functions'
% ArmorPt: 10000
% Type: '1-hand'
% Weapon with properties:
% Name: 'Sword Of Matlab'
% Damage: 10000
% Type: '2-hand'