MATLAB: How to make multiple folders with specific names

call arraydirectoriesfoldersmultiple

I am a real beginner here, so this might be a very stupid question, but can someone explain to me who I can make multiple folders at once? I created a cell array with all the names, now I want the folders to have the same name so I can put my data into it 😉
So I have my cell array with the names I need to have:
connames = {'remembered', 'forgotten', 'remembered-forgotten', 'reforgotten-remembered', 'weak', 'strong', 'weak-strong', 'strong-weak', 'strong-forgotten', 'weak-forgotten' }
And then I want directories containing these names:
clear condir; condir = fullfile(dirs.root,'modelcontrasts',connames);
if ~exist(condir,'dir'); mkdir (condir); end
It however doesn't work like this. What should I do? And why doesn't this work?

Best Answer

You will have to do this in a loop, something a bit like this:
for k = 1:numel(connames)
condir = fullfile(dirs.root,'modelcontrasts',connames{k});
if 2~=exist(condir,'dir');
... other code here
Note the special indexing using curly braces for extracting the string filename out of the cell array connames.
Note how I also changed the exist call to match the documentation: exist does not return a boolean logical, but a numeric values depending on what kind of thing it has tested the existence of (directories are 2).