MATLAB: How to make matrix from images in folders

.csv fileconvert imageshuman motion recognitionimages

I want to convert images in folders to CSV file.
(name of images : weighted2, weighted3, weighted4, weighted5,,,,)

Best Answer

Hi Kong,
I am assuming all images are of ‘.jpg’ format and located in same folder. If they are of different format, tweak below provided code as required.
Below mentioned code can be used for writing each image into separate CSV files:
for i=1:5
imName = strcat('weighted', num2str(i),'.jpg');
imVal = imread(imName);
And for saving images to different worksheets of a single excel file, use below mentioned code:
for i=1:5
imName = strcat('weighted', num2str(i),'.jpg');
imVal = imread(imName);
writematrix(imVal, 'weightedimages.xlsx','Sheet',i);
For more details, please refer imread and writematrix documentation.
Hope this helps!