MATLAB: How to make matrix dimensions to agree

matrix dimensions

Hi all, I get an error message:
Matrix dimensions must agree.
Error in lsqcurvefit/objective (line 279)
F = F - YDATA;
Error in snls (line 333)
newfvec = feval(funfcn{3},xcurr,varargin{:});
Error in lsqncommon (line 167)
snls(funfcn,xC,lb,ub,flags.verbosity,options,defaultopt,initVals.F,initVals.J,caller, ...
Error in lsqcurvefit (line 271)
Error in CurveFitting (line 135)
when I run the attached code. What could be the cause of the disagreement?
Kind Regards Dursman

Best Answer

That means F =F-YDATA must be in the same dimension.
Please ensure that F and TDATA must be same before doing subtraction operation.
I have noticed in your code dcdt(2), dcdt(3),...what do these mean, are those scalar or vector variables?
Why you mixed up the function descriptions with other body code?
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