MATLAB: How to make matlab display final complete results directly


Here's an example
>> R(1)
ans =
-log(- 1004229921906619062839952526185507/1913851274991446601508198548841385*i - 143584884070040384103267078403784/1913851274991446601508198548841385)
i want to know the value of R(1) R is a 3×1 matrix, and R(1) will display the result in R(1,1) but the results is in a long form,
i need to highlight the results, right click, and click "evaluate selection"
>> -log(- 1004229921906619062839952526185507/1913851274991446601508198548841385*i - 143584884070040384103267078403784/1913851274991446601508198548841385)
ans =
0.6348 + 1.7128i
why is this happening, how can i make it display the final answer 0.6348 + 1.7128i straight away?

Best Answer

Are you looking for the DISP command?
The number 1004229921906619062839952526185507 has more digits than can be represented as DOUBLE.