MATLAB: How to make ‘.’ Markers transparent in a Scatter plot


In R2016b, I am able to make Point ('.') Markers transparent in a Scatter plot by setting MarkerEdgeAlpha to a value < 1. For example:
%Generate 'n' random samples.
n = 10000;
x = randn(n,1);
y = randn(n,1);
scatter(x, y, 'Marker', '.', 'MarkerEdgeAlpha', 0.5)
However in R2020b, it seems Point Markers can't be transparent. The same code produces:
Is there any way to make Point Markers transparent in a Scatter plot in R2020b, or was this feature deprecated? I'd rather use Point Markers than filled Circle Markers.

Best Answer

Here's the answer from the Technical Support Case:
The current workaround for this is to use the 'o' marker symbol and divide its size to make it a similar size to the '.' marker symbol. This can be done by adding the following line to the code you sent in:
h = scatter(x, y, 'Marker', 'o', 'MarkerEdgeAlpha', 0.5);
h.SizeData = h.SizeData/9;