MATLAB: How to make loop


I have asked the question as Matt fig helped me this: x=[1.6,2.7,3.5,4.4,5.2,6.8,7.9,8.4,9.1,10.2]; N = length(x); % The largest number. Change to whatever… a = 1; % The starting point. Change to 3,5… whatever S = 3; n = zeros(1,floor((N-a)/(S))+1); % Pre-allocate the array… for ii = 1:length(n) n(ii) = x(S*(ii)+(a-S)); end Now,I want to make a new loop for S (S=1:length(x)),that gets the value of S from 1 to length(x).So I can get every value of n when the S is different. How are the codes about?

Best Answer

L = length(x)
N = L; % The largest number. Change to whatever...
a = 3; % The starting point. Change to 3,5... whatever
T = cell(1,L); % Store everything in a cell array.
for jj = 1:L
S = jj;
n = zeros(1,floor((N-a)/(S))+1); % Pre-allocate the array...
for ii = 1:length(n)
n(ii) = x(S*(ii)+(a-S));
T{jj} = n;
You should go back and format your question. Is there a particular reason why you want to do this with loops?
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