MATLAB: How to make label on the image and find the distance

image analysisimage processingImage Processing Toolboxlabeling image

I have one image and i want to put label on it for finding the distace.
anyone suggest or give code to make label on that region which shown in fig. and also want to plot line between two black line in that box.
alos i attched my file to look at my code.

Best Answer

I don't know how a label would help you "for finding the distace". But anyway, to put a text label on the image use the text() function. To put a rectangle on the image use the rectangle() function. To plot over the image, use the plot() function.
When you say "finding distance between two black line" I don't know what that means. There are lots of distances between lots of points on two black lines, like your horizontal line and your vertical line. What distance are you talking about?
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