MATLAB: How to make gaussian plot?

gaussian plot

Th excel file given is the data of different intensities of particles when hit on a surface(fluorescence intensity file sample) . Consider the row and column as the x and y coordinates. Through a MATLAB program, first, make or set a Gaussian plot/distribution t various areas in the data file and get maximum values of the intensities and the output of the MATLAB function should be the value of maximum intensities with x and y coordinate of that intensities. Note this program should run in any input excel file. The data of excel file can change. Therefore the MATLAB code and the Gaussian function we create should work on any data points.

Best Answer

filename='14 - sampleMap.xls';
[num,txt,raw] = xlsread(filename);
[nx,ny] = size(num) ;
[X,Y] = meshgrid(1:nx,1:ny) ;
pcolor(X,Y,num) ;
shading interp