MATLAB: How to make gaps in missing data plot lines

how to make gaps in plot lineMATLAB

I'm relatively new to matlab, so I don't know if this is an easy question to answer.
How do I make gaps in my plot line where data is missing? Thank you

Best Answer

It would be easier with your data.
One option is to fill the missing entries with NaN values:
x = [1:10 15:20]; % Create Vector (11:14 Missing)

y = [rand(1,10) rand(1,6)]; % Create Vector (11:14 Missing)
plot(x, y)
dx = (diff([0 x])); % Differences Between Coinsecutive Elements
xnan = nan(1, dx(dx > 1)-1); % ‘NaN’ Vector (Fill Missing Elements)
dxi = find(dx > 1); % First Index Of Missing Elements
xc = [x(1:dxi-1) xnan x(dxi:dxi+numel(xnan)+1)]; % Replace Missing Elements With ‘xnan’ Vector

yc = [y(1:dxi-1) xnan y(dxi:dxi+numel(xnan)+1)]; % Replace Missing Elements With ‘xnan’ Vector
plot(xc, yc)
Experiment with your data to get the result you want.