MATLAB: How to make executable run on pc,that is generated with Simulink code generation

code generationsimulink

Target: I have made a simple lowpass filter which takes input from audio device reader and outputs it to audio device writer in simulink. I want to make(the generated executable) it run on the PC CPU using the real microphone IN and speaker OUT,without running matlab/simulink environment, which is why I generated an executable.
Problem: The executable file doesn't run,it closes itself when opened. However, the executable is generated properly as I tested it on matlab using system() command.
How can I make the executable run on my pc? I have attached a screenshot of the simulink model and code generation settings for reference.

Best Answer

To generate code, Model Configuration Parameters is double-clicked and in Solver settings,
Solver is set to Fixed-step. Then in the Code Generation settings, under Build process panel,
Select Package code and artifacts. Click on Build model to have the code generated in the same
directory of the Simulink file.
A zip file is created in the same directory, which needs to be unzipped. Following the procedure
and then accessing the folder, the resulting EXECUTABLE can be found in otherFiles folder.