MATLAB: How to make DataBase after parse real time weather data in url


Text like this
<wfKor구름 조금</wfKor
<wfEnPartly Cloudy</wfEn
To now, I make code is import string.
url = '' ;
data = webread (url);
data(strfind(data, '>')) = [];
Key_1 = '<temp';
Index_1 = strfind(data, Key_1);
Value_1 = sscanf(data(Index_1(1) + length(Key_1):end), '%g', 1);
value_1 = 13.1
But this data is changed three-hourly automatically.
So I want to make code that import value three-hourly automatically.
Please help me.

Best Answer

I recommend you leave the '>' in place, and that you use regexp() to find the information you need.
To import every three hours, use a timer() function.