MATLAB: How to make circular Ring


i want to make a ring. I have two circles of smaller and bigger radius and I want to substract smaller circle from bigger circle to make a ring. Please help me.
I have the code attached here.
L = 40; % Length of rectangle W = 80; % Width of rectangle angle = 0:2*pi/360:2*pi; % Angle of bending C = [L/2 0]; % centre of circle Rin = 15; %radius of inner circle Rout = 1.2*Rin; % Radius of outer circle
%% – boundary of the structure ——————————— xv1 = [0 0 0 0 L L 0]; % co-ordinate of rectangle yv1 = [-W/2 -W/2 W/2 W/2 W/2 -W/2 -W/2]; % co-ordinate of rectangle inc = [Rin*cos(angle')+L/2 Rin*sin(angle')]; % co-ordinate of inner circle ouc = [Rout*cos(angle')+L/2 Rout*sin(angle')]; % co-ordinate of inner circle
figure(1);plot(xv1,yv1);axis equal tight;hold on; figure(1);plot(inc(:,1),inc(:,2));axis equal tight;hold on; figure(1);plot(ouc(:,1),ouc(:,2));axis equal tight;hold on

Best Answer

Can't you just use the code in the FAQ: