MATLAB: How to make an diagram like this


How would i get started make the hemisperical disk and a semisphere in the middle

Best Answer

Keep in mind, I made approximations based on your provided figure.
function createHemispheres()
bigCenters = [-1 -1; 1 -1; -1 1; 1 1];
bigRad = 0.8;
% permute for broadcasting operation along 3d dimension
bigCenters = permute(bigCenters, [3 2 1]);
% centers is now 1x2x4 array
[xx,yy] = meshgrid(-1:0.01:1);
bigCircs = bigRad - ((xx - bigCenters(1,1,:)).^2 + (yy - bigCenters(1,2,:)).^2)/bigRad;
% Remove negative values before stacking all circles
bigCircs(bigCircs < 0) = 0;
bigCircs = sum(bigCircs, 3);
smallRad = 0.4;
smallCirc = smallRad - (xx.^2 + yy.^2)/smallRad;
smallCirc(smallCirc < 0) = 0;
hold off;
surf(xx,yy,bigCircs + smallCirc);
axis equal
shading interp
colormap jet
hold on
contour(xx,yy,bigCircs + smallCirc);