MATLAB: How to make a vector into a loop


for example I need to make the last element (N) in my vector such that (N+1) will correspond to the first element in the vector?

Best Answer

I think I understand... Are you saying that if you have a five element vector A(1:5), then you want A(6) to actually reference A(1)?
One way I can see to do this is to create a custom index function as an anonymous function. This is a way of doing it for reading only.
>> A = 1:5
A =
1 2 3 4 5
>> B = @(A,ind)A(mod(ind,length(A)))
B =
>> B(A,2)
ans =
>> B(A,7)
ans =
>> B(A,8)
ans =
Here's a quick way of doing it for writing:
>> A = 1:5;
>> realind = @(x)mod(x,length(A));
>> A(realind(27))
ans =
>> A(realind(27)) = 5
A =
1 5 3 4 5