MATLAB: How to make a text file that I can edit after each time I run a program

MATLABsavetext file

I want to print to a text file the name, score, and board size of the user once a user has completed a simple game I designed. I can do that task just fine, but I also want to display all of the previous users and their scores and board sizes as well and just add the most recent user to the list. If anyone can help that would be great.
this is what I have so far (there are values for Name, Score, and Size)
if true
fprintf(fid, ['Name' '\t\t' 'Score' '\t' 'Board Size' '\n']);
fprintf(fid, '\n%s\t\t%d\t\t%d\n', Name, Score, Size');

Best Answer

use the permission option 'a' which means append the data at the end of the file you can omit the first line so you don't repeat the header, unless this is what you want
so, assuming you have an old results file, do this to add new result at the end
if true
fprintf(fid, '\n%s\t\t%d\t\t%d\n', Name, Score, Size');