MATLAB: How to make a subscript for a column name


Hey everyone,
I'm looking for help, like I already mentioned in the title. I can't figure out how I can do a subscript for a Column name in my table. Does anyone know how to do this? I was looking desperatly for answers all over the internet, but I couldn't find anything. I just want that the'i' after my P is subscripted….
% --- FIGURE -------------------------------------
handles.figure1 = figure( ...
'Tag', 'figure1', ...
'Units', 'characters', ...
'Position', [102.8 24.2307692307692 126.8 33], ...
'Name', 'Parameter', ...
'MenuBar', 'none', ...
'NumberTitle', 'off', ...
'Color', [0.941 0.941 0.941]);
% --- UITABLE -------------------------------------
% Initialize empty string for components of the Data
for i = 1:numel(Data)
Data{i} = '';
handles.uitable1 = uitable( ...
'Parent', handles.figure1, ...
'Tag', 'uitable1', ...
'UserData', zeros(1,0), ...
'Units', 'characters', ...
'Position', [12.2 8 114.3 21], ...
'BackgroundColor', [1 1 1;0.961 0.961 0.961], ...
'ColumnEditable', [true,true,true,true,true], ...
'ColumnFormat', {'char','char','char','char','char'}, ...
'ColumnName',{'ID','P_i Stationary[W]','P_i','<HTML>&Omega','Voltage[V]'}, ... % für griechische Buchstaben in einer Column <HTML>&Buchstabe
'ColumnWidth', {'auto','auto','auto','auto','auto'}, ...
'Data',Data); % add the "string" Data
uicontrol('Style', 'push', 'String', 'SAVE',...
'Position', [12.2 8 114.3 21])

Best Answer

h = uitable('Data', [1 2; 3 4], 'ColumnName', {'<HTML>&Omega', '<HTML>P<SUB>i'})